I’m delighted to share that my new short story “The Alchemy Club” appears in the just-released summer issue of THE COLORED LENS, which is a really awesome speculative fiction magazine.
What’s it about? Well, I’m glad you asked, because I was going to force you to listen while I told you anyway.
“The Alchemy Club” is the tale of the last wizard in the world, as told by the bartender who served him drinks every Wednesday evening for years and years. So belly up to the bar, order an ale, and let the bartender tell you about all the young hotshots who came into the tavern to challenge the legendary (and legendarily cantankerous) old man, and how he sent every last one of ‘em slinking away with their tails between their legs. Every last one, that is, until that one fateful day…
I’d be grateful if you'd consider giving it a read, along with all the other great stories in the issue. To get your copy (digital or hard copy), click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9GLX5M8/
